Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Cough, cough, cough....sniff, sniff....they are the sounds of CAMP 4...yes most of camp 4. Turns out we got in just fine to camp 4 and even got a lift over there as Jeff Shrimpton has a car, PHEW that made it easier....and so we had our first night in the world famous camp four...the sounds of the night, last night however were filled with coughing and nose blowing...Jake, Ben and I are all sufferring...unbelievable run of health for Ben and I...and then there was the psycho ranger fining a guy ($175) for dossing on our site illegally....at 2.30am....CRAZY STUFF....Lee and Jake are the ones registered for our site so Jake and I were quietly shaking in our sleeping bags in case we were the next to be discovered by the power rangers...(I mean seriously, do they sit around in their huts and say..come on Jo (read in American accent), its 2am...let go searching for some pesky climbers....grab your gun and your pad for writing fines!!!) Its safe to say the guys was not a happy camper at all, I think all of Camp 4 heard him yelp..."$175 buck...geez...are you guys serious...."
Anyway, onto a more climbing note...here is the re revised plan based on all of our health and our limited time and our ridiculous 7 day camping rule...Ben and Jake are heading up Free Rider tomorrow for a five day push...shopping is done, there are days of pop tarts in the bear box and much darn good chilli ready to be hauled tomorrow. Lee and I are heading up the West Face in two days starting at 5am for a one day push....hope I can make my way down the East ledges in the dark! Then Lee and Ben will go for Zodiac next week...Rumour has is Zach should be off Salathe tonight, from what we and Tom saw he fell on a few pitches attempting the orginial Salathe line and I would think his Pringles poo tube was probably quite full by now...If I can get any info from him on what he thought I will let you know! Not much else to report...the bagels are better toasted than not...cream cheese is becoming a reasonable replacement for vegemite....

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